The amulet of luck with your hands

Throughout many centuries, mankind used a variety of lucky charms that protect against magic and witchcraft, and also attract good luck. On this we are going to talk about in this article. You will learn how to make an amulet for good luck with their own hands? What simple plots help us to live in abundance and lots of other information of interest.

the amulet of luck

How to make a lucky charm to always have enough money?

The most famous works of the financial stability have always been of the currency. As well as the money – they are a symbol of prosperity. It is used in many of their magical rites to activate the flow of money and prosperity.

For example, we take the same normal of the coin, that someone did. Which with safety can be taken out and used as a good luck charm. For the currency attracted money and good luck in the work, it is necessary to perform the magical ritual. Then, this currency will have to regularly carry in your wallet, purse or pocket.

Also, you can buy the gold coin in the bank and spend a plot in the home environment. If it doesn't, it can be conspiracy to do in the coins that you have. Read the conspiracy of the magi recommended in the 1st day of the new moon.

The essence of the rite: before you begin to speak of good luck charm, you must move the portfolio, and 3 times to read magic words to attract money in the house. Regular application of this manipulation, the portfolio will have a powerful force, and it will attract good luck.

The words of the conspiracy of this ritual:

Come to visit to me, a prosperous merchant, he is the one with a treasure chest with the jewels. The merchant is very rich. All will be glad of such a guest. Thick wallet, rings, gold and silver. Although my portfolio is full of riches, silver and gold coins, not only today, but forever. The lips and the teeth I put the castle. So that no one can open my words. Amen.

What are the strengths of the lucky charms in daily life?

These pets can be not only images, but also the amulets of stones, animals, and plants. In the meantime, we invite you to consult the list of the most powerful of amulets.

The strongest of the magical amulets of the luck:

  • bamboo shoots. This is a viable plant, can safely be used for the manufacture of personal charm. Since the bamboo is a symbol of success and well-being in any beginning reality. Feng shui to activate the vigor of the plant, should be placed in the east of the room;
  • horseshoe – another not less powerful amulet that attracts good luck. It protects them from poverty and misery. Many countries use this has saved until the day of today. Horseshoe made of iron, has the sacred power of the elements Fire and Metal. They say that the man who finds a horse-shoe, you receive a lifetime of luck.

This horseshoe to hang up in the house above the entrance door, the ends down. Therefore, a power for evil will not be able to enter your fortress. Your family will receive a powerful protection against magic, and the deterioration. If you place a horseshoe horns upwards, in the house always will reign the financial well-being and wealth;

how to make an amulet
  • beetle – the amulet to attract good luck, came to us from ancient egypt. By the way, this is the beetle was considered by the egyptians to be sacred. Therefore, the image of this insect was perceived as a divine being. Beetle represents transformation, reincarnation in another world. And it is also the symbol of the vital energy. Without which there would be no humanity on the earth. In addition, the beetle attracts the good luck, and not only in the material world, but also spiritual. When you use this amulet you will get a protection from energy vampires, black magic and ruin;
  • rabbit foot – for the amulet is used in the rear legs of the animal. This talisman attracts good luck and provides well-being. Also under help to parents to have a child;
  • cat's eye – this stone protects the master of black magic, help you to overcome any difficulty with minimal losses. This amulet is universal. Normally used as the entrepreneurs and players of chance;
  • elephant – figurine brings success in any activity, and also helps to attract wealth, financial prosperity, wisdom;
  • guardian of the key – it's magic amulet. Despite the fact that for luck, you can use any option keys. Options similar talismans to open the heart and the way to wealth, attract success and strengthen health.

How to make an amulet for good luck, with the assistance of color of thread?

For a ritual it is sufficient to use the color of thread, of which you will be weaving magic cable. Here it is important to match the color and determine the future goal of the pet.

The decipherment of the colors:

  • the green represents the financial well-being;
  • red – love;
  • yellow – health;
  • the blue helps you to achieve your goals.

From the selection of color you can work the braid. When tissue necessarily display the coveted image of its objectives.

Ready pet you should take the ankle of the left leg.

Powerful amulet for good luck, the technique of knots

For the manufacture of this amulet you need a narrow strip of cow skin. In this strip must knot 3 knot.

Step-by-step action plan is the following:

Knotted 1 node must condemn the following words:

The fate of the destiny, stay with me always in my thoughts and in acts.

the amulet out of his hands,

In the second the knot talk in other words:

That luck is always chasing me.

In the third place speaks of the word luck:

No one will be able to pick up the luck of my. Yes it will be so for ever and ever.

All nodes must be dual point of nodes. These sites even dubbed " the curse of the witch. Finished the stripe will have to hide in the house or to bring as a pet. Also the nodes, you can sew the clothes.

The lucky mascot of green socks

This ritual will allow you to in a short time attract good luck into your life. For the ritual, you simply select the day, when the moon is in the growth stage.

For work take: socks knitted of wool in green color and 2 large bills that you have. Why is the color green? The thing is that this color best of all attracts financial flows. Still will be good, if you are associated with same socks. If you don't know knit, so perfect and store option. However, you'll have to take them to wash. This is a necessary condition for the cleaning of the things of the outside energy.

Step-by-step action plan of the ritual:

  1. Minimizes the cuts in the tube and bends in each sock.
  2. When you are going to place the money in a sock, say the words of the conspiracy:

The money charge and it brings me good luck.

the amulet coin

Leave the socks to one side and taking the paper, green marker.

  1. Type in the blade of his longing in large letters, preferably specifically to the voice of your detail. That is to say, the desires should not be of a general nature: "I Want money". It is wrong to desire. Use the details. Think of where you'd like to spend your money.
  2. The wishes of that prescribed in present time. If you are already a say. For example, I have a car brand bmw black color, and the like.
  3. In the role can not only write text but also add a drawing or a photo.
  4. Full sheet stop at the sill of the window to give the light of the moon. Near the image, don't forget to place the side of the socks. Then looks at the moon and say these words:

The moon wakes up, and my desires will be fulfilled.

  1. The socks and the paper stop in the sill of the window until the morning. Then the sheet will have to hide in an isolated place, and the money to take out of socks.
  2. The next morning, the money that he had on the socks, you will have to change and buy something delicious.
    Now that you know what are the amulets to bring good luck, what options can be made with their own hands. You only have to choose your pet and act.